All Cancer Types

Leukemia and lymphoma are two types of blood cancer that affect the body in different ways. Learn about their symptoms, types, and treatments to better understand these diseases.
Did you know HPV can cause oropharyngeal cancer? This article explores HPV, its link to throat cancer, and how to prevent it.
Explore the vital symptoms indicating kidney cancer. Learn to recognise early signs and seek timely treatment at OncoCare Cancer Centre in Singapore.
Explore CAR T-cell therapy for lymphoma treatment. Learn about eligibility, effectiveness, and insurance coverage options. Expert insights from OncoCare.
Experiencing a lingering cough after recovering from COVID-19? A post-COVID cough could simply be the residual effects of the illness, or it may signify something more serious such as lung...
When it comes to health concerns, distinguishing between different conditions can be challenging, especially when symptoms seem similar. One such scenario involves kidney stones and kidney cancer. In this article,...
Kanker kulit adalah kondisi umum dan berpotensi berbahaya yang dapat berkembang di area kulit yang terpapar sinar matahari, serta di area kulit yang biasanya terlindung dari sinar matahari. Memahami berbagai...
Skin cancer is a prevalent and potentially dangerous condition that can develop on areas of the skin exposed to the sun, as well as on those typically shielded from sunlight....
Bone cancer is a rare type of cancer that can develop in the bones in the body, with the pelvis and long bones being commonly affected. Cancers that form in...