Gastric cancer types Although lymphoma (such as diffuse large cell lymphoma or MALT lymphoma) , gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST) and other less common types can arise from the stomach, primary...
Although pancreatic cancer is uncommon, it is the 5th most frequent cause of cancer deaths in Singapore and one of the top 10 most deadly cancers worldwide. There are several...
Meskipun kanker pankreas jarang terjadi, kanker ini merupakan penyebab kematian akibat kanker ke-5 yang paling sering terjadi di Singapura dan salah satu dari 10 kanker paling mematikan di seluruh dunia....
Datang ke dokter dengan benjolan di leher merupakan manifestasi umum dari keganasan kepala dan leher, limfoma, tumor tiroid, atau kanker lainnya. Namun, perlu dicatat bahwa banyak “benjolan” di leher belum...
Presenting to a doctor with a lump in the neck is a fairly common manifestation for head and neck malignancy, lymphoma, thyroid tumours or other cancers. However, it is to...
Apa itu kanker lobular invasif (ILC)? Kanker payudara lobular invasif (juga disebut Karsinoma payudara lobular infiltrasi) adalah subtipe kanker payudara yang muncul dari lobulus penghasil susu yang terhubung ke saluran...
What is invasive lobular cancer (ILC)? Invasive lobular breast cancer (also called Infiltrating lobular breast carcinoma) is a subtype of breast cancer which arises from the milk-producing lobules which connect to...
Lung cancer can occur in non-smokers. The population trend in lung cancer is changing and this is increasingly recognized worldwide. In Asia, up to a third of lung cancer patients...
Kanker paru-paru dapat terjadi pada orang yang bukan perokok. Tren populasi penderita kanker paru-paru sedang berubah dan hal ini semakin diketahui di seluruh dunia. Di Asia, sepertiga pasien kanker paru-paru...
As part of the digestive tract, the large intestine consists of the caecum (or cecum), ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon and the rectum. Colorectal cancer refers to...