General Support for Cancer

Hair loss is one of the common side effects of chemotherapy and depending on the type of treatment, patient may lose hair in scalp, eyebrow, eyelashes, arms, legs and pubic...
Responding to the situation In our reactivity, we attempt to turn away from the situation by such behaviours as fighting the reality of the diagnosis, denying or disengaging from the...
Mengatasi sakit kanker Memang benar, apa yang ditakuti oleh banyak pasien, terutama mereka yang mengidap kanker stadium lanjut, adalah rasa sakit akibat kanker yang tak henti-hentinya dan tidak dapat diatasi....
Cancer is commonly construed as a painful condition. Indeed, what many patients, especially those with advanced cancer, fear is unrelenting and intractable cancer pain. It may therefore be a surprise...
Pasien dengan kanker stadium lanjut dan keluarganya sering kali khawatir akan rasa sakit yang tak henti-hentinya. Banyak yang takut nyeri akibat kanker akan semakin tak tertahankan, terutama di hari-hari terakhir...
Patients with advanced cancer and their families frequently worry about having unrelenting pain.  Many fear that cancer pain will become unbearable, especially during the last days of life.  It may...
Cancer specialists treating cancer with drugs will have to know how to manage nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy. Nausea refers to the unpleasant feeling of wanting to vomit....