When it comes to health concerns, distinguishing between different conditions can be challenging, especially when symptoms seem similar. One such scenario involves kidney stones and kidney cancer. In this article,...
Many people worry when they see blood in their urine. While it is certainly not a normal occurrence, it does not always mean that you have kidney cancer. There are...
The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located just below the rib cage, one on each side of your spine. Healthy kidneys filter blood to remove waste and extra water to...
Ginjal adalah dua organ berbentuk kacang yang terletak tepat di bawah tulang rusuk, satu di setiap sisi tulang belakang Anda. Ginjal yang sehat menyaring darah untuk membuang limbah dan air...
Pertemuan Tahunan American Society of Oncology (ASCO) diadakan dari tanggal 1 hingga 5 Juni 2018, McCormick Place, Chicago, IL, AS. Sebuah tim dokter dari ONCOCARE CANCER CENTER (Singapura) menghadiri pertemuan...
عُقد الاجتماع السنوي للجمعية الأمريكية لعلم الأورام (ASCO) في الفترة من 1 إلى 5 يونيو 2018، في ماكورميك بليس، شيكاغو، إلينوي، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. حضر الاجتماع فريق من الأطباء من...