Bone cancer is a rare type of cancer that can develop in the bones in the body, with the pelvis and long bones being commonly affected. Cancers that form in...
Many people would have experienced back pain at some point in our life, and it is a common reason for work-related absence or a visit to the doctor’s. Although back...
Banyak orang pernah mengalami sakit punggung pada suatu saat dalam hidup mereka, dan ini adalah alasan umum untuk tidak masuk kerja atau mengunjungi dokter. Meskipun nyeri punggung mungkin menyakitkan dan...
At OncoCare Cancer Centre, we sometimes see patients who have received a report and are confused by the cancer names or terminology. Some patients have been informed by their treating...
Di OncoCare Cancer Centre, terkadang kami melihat pasien yang menerima laporan dan bingung dengan nama atau terminologi kanker. Beberapa pasien telah diberitahu oleh dokter atau ahli bedah yang merawat mereka...